
martes, 14 de abril de 2020

Thoughts on my first Professional Practice

I must admit that I couldn't sleep last night for I was so worried and anxious about today's professional practice that my mind couldn't think of anything else. But why did I felt like that when I was aware that I have given real classes since one year ago! I mean, I know I've earned a bit ox experience and I have received a number of comments on my good performance as a Teacher. So, why did I felt fear of teaching this new group?

Exactly! It was a completely new group of students for me! I was uncertain about what they could think about me, whether I seemed too young or unprepared to teach them something. Those negative thoughts were around my head all night long and believe, it sucks.

Maybe it was a strike of mixed feelings because of the difficult situation we are all going through, I haven't had spent so long at home in my life! 😽

My very first professional practice ended up way better than I expected. Despite the fact that it is large group (29 students), it didn't felt a chaotic atmosphere in class because the students were disciplined in the session. For instance, they knew it was necessary to keep their microphones off while I spoke, etc.

The class flew really cool because most of them were proactive and liked to participate. Moreover, at that moment I even forgot that I was used to give 5-hour-classes on Saturdays!
Time passed real quick and they actually made me feel comfortable after all so I could perform with confidence on myself.

I learned how to exploit a few features of the platform in a positive way with the group. What we did is that we used the chat box as the main mean of communication so they all had the same opportunities to participate. 
Also, I learned to show my own screen to the students to share with them pictures to build up the vocabulary of the lesson. 
Plus, I learned a lot about Google Meet as learning platform because I was accustomed to Zoom. 

I hope I keep on learning from my practices!

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