
sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

A change of heart 💙

I've changed my view on these tough times we're living in. 
I reckon I could adapt myself quite well to teach online for the following reasons: 
  • I got familiar with the platforms real quick even though I had never used none of them.
  • I learned about useful teaching techniques to give an online class thanks to the Cambridge course that I took on. 
  • I got to interact with many other colleagues about our perspectives on this situation.
  • I got the chance to spend way more time with my family at home.
  • I got more time to myself. :)
In contrast with my former thoughts when it all began, now it is my view that being a teacher is one of the most challenging occupations because we have to be really wise when it comes to ring the changes for our own sake, and more importantly, for our student's benefit. 
On the other hand, I wish I had learned all of this in a nicer context instead of in an emergency state context. Anyways, it is not time to regret anything but to move on and raise! 👏

Up to now, the gist I got about the current social context we're living, is that there are countless opportunity areas in which our society needs to work on, but it is evident that we also characterize as Mexicans for our solidary and warming attitudes towards other (even foreigners) as well as our high sense of hard work against the odds. That is why it motivates me to move on and yet, give my best to my family and my students expecting that rewarding feeling when we overcome all of this. 

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