

Hello there!💛

My name is Allison and I'm 23. I currently study the 8th semester of the English Teaching Major in Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City. 

       This is my beautiful Faculty of Higher Studies Acatlán (FES Acatlán). 📷

I decided to dedicate my life to this profession because I've always been keen to learn English. When I turned 15 years old, I discovered that I wanted to become an English Teacher for my highschool teacher; actually, she inspired me to pursue my dream. 
Little did I know about what it takes to prepare as a professional teacher at that time, nevertheless, one good day I was having a chat with my beloved English teacher Gaby Jay and she told me about the English Teacher major in this school. Since that very moment, I couldn't stop thinking of kicking off my journey to University by choosing this major. 
Time flew by and the moment to make a crucial decision arrived when I did the formalities to enroll in LEI (Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Inglés).
The first requirement to do so is to sail through an exam of sufficient command of the English language, that is to say, I needed to demonstrate an upper intermediate level of English before enrolling the major as such, even though I had never a private English course to boost my command, I took the risk of presenting the exam with only my prior knowledge backing me up. Sadly, I didn't succeed.😢

 I cried my heart out when I was told about it, indeed, it felt like the worst failure in my whole life. Being cheered up by my family and my loving boyfriend, I decided to take that year entirely to prepare myself in my English. 
All of a sudden, my dad came into my room and proposed me to get a job in which I could practice and earn some extra money. I ended up working for FedEx in their International Customer Service.
Having gone through the common filters, the last one I needed to pass before being hired finally was actually a TOELF mock exam. Honestly, I was still having the blues for my last failure so I wasn't expecting to succeed at that time. Afterward, I was called to have a short interview with who would become my new boss: the Customer Service Manager. IN ENGLISH. Of course, was scared stiff! 😱

One day later, I received THE call. They wanted me to work there in the International area for my results were satisfactory! 😄
I was in cloud nine to know that my first real job would consist of using English with native and non-native speakers from all over the world!🌎 Plus earning 50 bucks more than the representatives (reps for short) than the ones of the domestic area.💪

Well, only from North America, South America and Western Europe but who cares! I forgot about feeling a loser for not making it to the major that year. I had endless experiences of all kinds and all I can say about it is that I was lucky to learn so much about people and about English. 

Again, time passed in a blink of an eye and I ended up working there for one-year straight until the new ESDI exams were available so I was feeling as strong as Popeye to kick that exam's ass! and enroll my dream- major once and for all! 😎
A year later, I came back to FES Acaltán feeling so determined that my heart didn't even beat out of my chest. I put my mind on the exam. A week later, I received THE other call: I was in!! 👏
Since that 2016 up to this day, I cannot express my appreciation for all of my Professors, my friends (and now colleagues) for joining me in this journey called: becoming a proud LEI English Teacher
I got to know so cool and lovely people and we've had formed a really close, loving and respectful relationship between each other, and I'm pretty sure it will be like this forevermore. 💗
Nowadays, I work as an English Teacher for a private language center in Satélite, Naucalpan and I'm enjoying it as much as I'm learning from the experience. Furthermore, last year I worked in a public elementary school where I gained not only experience in teaching but also I gained the true love of my kids to whom I'll never forget. 

I know this story has just begun, so I'm thrilled to know what's next in this intimidating subject that is Professional Practices as well the others. 

Love, Miss Allisson. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello there!
    Perhaps one may be able to feel the passion you felt when writing this. I've known you for about two years and I've seen you harvest little victories and good memories, one after the other. You know what? This semester will not be an exception: I'll be happy to see you succeed not just as a friend but as a partner too. And I'll be even happier to learn something from you :D

  2. Hello, Allie! I loved the way you narrated your very though journey to this major with such detail. I already knew some things regarding this matter but now I know a little bit more about you and about your tenacious personality. I'm sure that, no matter how many obstacles you'll face, you will succeed in every stage/aspect of you professional and personal life. Congratulations!!!!
    P.S. I'm looking forward to read your next entry!
