
viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

Get to know your students as people....and as students

It's been only two weeks since I started my new semester and I'm already blown-minded by the vast universe of things I wasn't aware of! 
To be honest, this reading-homework didn't feel like homework! I actually enjoyed it a lot and that is not so common for me. I mean, to take pleasure in a school reading authentically. 💜
 As a reflection on what I learned from this useful lecture, I can say that many of us as teachers (especially as beginner-teachers), don't realize of our student's real learning needs for being so eager to teach the topic in the most "innovative and fun" way so that our learners don't get bored in class, or at least that used to happen to me, that we forget that we are treating with flesh and bone people, not with robots massively produces with the exact same characteristics.  

    People change their roles in society as they change from workers, housewives, sons, daughters, etc to students at the moment they cross the classroom door. 
 So, we need to become aware of their differences in personality, personal tastes and more importantly, their Learning Styles. 🎭

 Once we have identified our students' learning styles, we are ready to make a plan on enhancing their L2 proficiency by means of providing them with Learning Strategies. 😊

 Since I deem myself a true visual learner with a pinch of sensing-sequential style; I decided to elaborate a pretty sunflower graphic organizer so that I can synthesize the key points of Learning styles and strategies. 🌻

Hopefully, you'll find it useful too! 
xo, Miss Ali 💖 

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Alli. I must agree with you with that point of view you got there! :)
    I can see that you really enjoyed reading about learning styles and startegies. Also I like your reflections on that we need to know them better, not only as students, but of what they are... people. Thanks for that thought :)

  2. Wow! Great graphic organizer, it definately summarizes the most important information about the topic. Have you used any of this strategies in your English classes?

    1. Absolutely! My students use them lo learn mainly vocabulary and I tend to show them up in my review sessions prior the exam ;)
