
miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Like a fish out of water 🐠

All that has been in my mind these past 3 weeks is: What's going on???

The emergy state in which is the world currently, makes me feel like a fish out of the water. I honestly didn't expect that the situation got worse every day and either I expected that we wouldn't be able to go back to school. Anyways, there two main things that I've learned from all of this:

The first one is that it doesn't matter the amount of technology and connection we can have today, we're still an archaic specie to face the music when it comes to basic situations like survival. 

The second one is that the University doesn't prepare you to encounter everything in life.

 Why do I say this? Well, since the authorities of my region decided to ban any type of social activity including going to school, I've been feeling really concerned about the future of my major. The primary actions that my Professors decided to take are continuing to take classes online but still, not all of them as usual which gets me down. 
I've been struggling to manage my routine as similar as in the usual grind but I just can't. I don't know how to organize my assignments despite being at home 24/7. I know I'm not the only one. Nonetheless, I can't victimize myself saying that I'm a mess and that I don't do homework at all 'cause it's not the truth, in fact, I'm giving my best to keep me in the picture of my subjects as days go by. 

Regarding my statement about University, I've been experiencing things that my mind couldn't even imagine that could be a reality. For example, the power of media and fake news over peoples' decisions to make them buy tons of unnecessary stuff without taking into consideration the necessities of others. I say this because most of the supermarkets in my country ran out of basic hygiene products and social media keeps on bombarding me with catastrophic news since it all started three weeks ago. 

On a more positive side, I learned to cope with anxiety and boredom in a variety of healthy ways that I'll be talking about on my next entries. I still have hope that the world will change for better and that after all of this comes to an end, humankind will include kindness, empathy, and respect towards others in their lifestyles. 

Stay safe everyone, Allisson. 

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