
martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

How does my learning style affect my teaching?

Last class, I got the opportunity to take a test to find out what is my learning style and interestingly enough, I am a pretty visual person. I knew that beforehand but what really suprised me was that my most developed type of intelligence is the linguistic one, so, it seems that I was born to be an English teacher! 👌 Checked!

I strongly believe that my own learning style affects my way of teaching and not because the only tecnhine I use in class are readings and flashcards, but I always keep in mind to vary my activities either visually, auditatory of even sensorially so that we don't get bored in class.

Regardless of the learning styles of each teacher, we should be aware that our students are completely different from each other, therefore, it's appropriate to vary the teaching techniques we use throughout the course.

Personally, I love using some pictures in every topic that inspire my students to create their own in the tasks to present them and use it in the target language  :D
I'm excited to dive deeper into new techniques for the different learning styles to use them with my students!👀

Resultado de imagen para learning styles

1 comentario:

  1. I'm very sure your student's love your visual material, but im glad to read you always have different activities under your sleeve in case they don't. Being versatile is one of the most important skills a teacher has. It also seems like you are very concerned about keeping your students motivation. Don't worry if your students are not hyped-up all time, try to find a balance so they can also get the time to take control and responsability for their own learning.
