
martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

The 10 commandments of feedback

Do you really know how to correct your students without being an ultra failure?💩

In here, you'll dive into the 10 commandments of feedback to achieve the perfect English class plus helping your students to improve 🏆  Are you ready?

1. Understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Do you remember your own mistakes when taking up English?

2. Identify  the developmental errors in your students: The ones that they make due to    over-generalization. 

3. Prize your students for their acheivements in class.
 ⛔but be careful! do not over prize them. 

4. Maintain your rapport with students by giving polite comments (either positive or negative) on their performance. 

5. Give negative feedbak in private. Nobody likes to be exposed for their errors or mistakes!

6. Adapt your type of feedback to the type of task: is it a writing task? a listening? a speaking? etc.

7. Involve your students in the feedback process. You can give them tools to make self-assessments to themselves and other peers. 

8. Come up with varied feedback techniques that serve the purposes of the task: reports, marking grades, comments, standarized rubrics, correction symbols, etc. 

9. Do not be a psycho of correction! It's not necessary to make red marks on every word your studnts write or say. Remember the commandment number 1!

10. Train your students to identify their own mistakes and other's mistakes in order to help each other: you can give them a guideline to make the corrections. 

Now you are all set to rock feedback!! Stick to these tips and you'll be just fine. 

Reference: Harmer, J (2007). The practice of English language teaching. Pearson Longman ELT. Fourth Edition (p.137-152).

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