
jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

My new virtual best ally👍

In the middle of the storm, I came across the best teacher trainer ever!

Since I made the decision of seeing the positive side of all of this, I was lucky enough to take on an online course called " Teaching English Online" powered by Cambridge Assessment English. I reckon the name is pretty transparent to tell what is this course about, right? So, rather than explaining what is this course about as such, I'll tell you my personal experience through it and hopefully, encourage you to take it as well! But if you do you better hurry because it has a limited time of availability. 💣

This course takes 4 weeks to complete and each week, you have to carry out several tasks that train you and make you aware of the implications of being an online teacher. It emphasizes the main differences in giving online classes against teaching a face-to-face class. 

To be honest, I was expecting a sort of traditional online course in which you only read lesson after lesson and complete a task such as a questionnaire or whatsoever, but it took me by surprise that it isn't like that at all! Contrary to read articles all the time and memorize terms, I actually have the chance to discuss with real colleagues from all over the world and the cherry on the cake is that I am able to give feedback to them on their tasks and opinions and so can they. 👩👨👦👥

I love the authentic interaction that this platform provides me and even better...for free!  

I consider myself a sponge that can learn anything as long as I like it and this is the case. :) I got to learn so many subject matters about online teaching that I used to take for granted because I used to have the absurd idea that "teaching online? anyone who can use a computer can teach online" hahaha. I didn't realize how naive I was. 

If you decide to take on this course you should bear in mind that there is an endless amount of resources and information out there on the web that may seem easy to select. For instance, a worksheet to send to the students and that's it. But my dear colleague let me tell you that you're completely wrong. As a teacher, you need to select very carefully the digital resources you want your students to use in and out of the class, how to exploit the different tools that platforms offer you to make the most of your time with students and of course, be careful enough to fend off technical issues that make you seem old fashioned in front of your students! Nobody wants that :(

In a nutshell, a good teacher knows that we are eternal students as well. We never stop learning and times never stop changing, so, hands-on! 

There are 20 days remaining from today, so hurry up!

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