
domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

A surprising week!😲

Last week was quite peculiar to me. First and foremost, I reached my 4th professional practice with my CEI students so, shout out to me! :) Then, I was offered a job position as a Teacher of Business English in C1-C2 level. OMG :O Who would've thought of that? A few months ago I found myself taking a Business English course and last Tuesday I turned into an online Business English Teacher for Advanced level, how about that? 

When my boss offered me the position my mind only though if I would be capable of managing a modality of English which never had I taught before in my life. It was completely unknown for me, but, as always, I decided to jump into the ocean (one more time). And you know what? Despite all my doubts, insecurities and fear, it ended up way better than I expected plus I got to ear a but more money un time in times of pandemic. I couldn't ask for more! 👏💞

I've done fine with my online practices, I mean, since I've got previous teaching experiences in real contexts, I am not afraid anymore of being in front of a group and in this time, in front of my webcam. I reckon every session I become more agile with my virtual skills to go through my classes smoothly, except for the tech issues that are out of my control!

Regarding the Business classes I give, it is as enriching as challenging to me because whenever I'm planning my sessions a word that I've never seen before shows up and my job is to look for it. As days go by, all of this is real food for thought personally and professionally speaking. Many's the time in which I need to stop my didactic planning to study on my own the topic that I'm about to teach. Since my knowledge of Business terminology was null and sadly the Major does not provide is with the skills to teach it, it's mandatory for me to do extra research about the context of my next lesson which I don't mind at all but it's something I wish someone told me before getting into the battlefield. Anyways, I'm still grateful. 
 This is my update for the week. See you soon!
Teaching Business English | TEFL Blogs | TEFL Org

1 comentario:

  1. Congratulations Allison!! I know you'll end up strengthened by this great opportunity. You can make it!
