
sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020

Comparison structures at C2 level

 Comparisons are essential functions of language that are pretty useful to evidence our proficiency of it, in this of English. So, what is comparison exactly? 

According to the Cambridge Dictionary (2020), a comparision is "an examination of the differences or similatiries between persons or things". 

There are several structures you can use to make a comparison such as the following: 

* Comparatives and superlatives: 

Comparatives will usually compare 2 elements whereas superlatives will compare among a bigger group of elements. For example: 

I'm happier than I've ever been.      She's more intelligent than me. 

That is the most outrageous you've made today!      What is the poorest country in the world? 

* Structure

Holly is not as fast onthe tennis court as she used to be.

*With phrases like: nowherenear, not nearly and nothing like

The new sports commentator is nowhere near as good as John Motson.

This album is not nearly as good as their last one.

*Combining adverbs of degree with comparatives and superlatives to add emphasis. 

You're by far the cleverest person in this class, you know. 

Sally is a great deal younger than her brother. 

*Using two comparatives in one sentence to show that as one thing changes, another thing also changes.

The sooner we get home, the happier I'll be. 

The more you practice the violin, the easier it will become. 

Now you're the best at comparisons! Put your knowledge in practice with this exercise :)


Cambridge English Dictionary (2020). Comparison. Cambridge University:

Capel, A and Sharp, W (2013). Objective Proficiency. Comparison. Cambridge University Press. 

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