
miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Another one in the basket!

Last week, I gave my very last professional practice and until then, I wasn't aware of what a real teaching challenge was. 

That last session was particularly challenging for me as a teacher. First, because the grammar topic to see with the students was "present perfect" and until that moment, I hadn't taught such grammar tense before! I have used to teach easier topics at my work or not even to teach it when I was assigned to an advanced level. 
Anyways, the truth is that I needed to do some research prior to the class for me to be more confident on how to explain it to the students, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has done that! 

In the end, everything went just fine in the class. Apart from considering myself a passionate teacher, I was lucky enough for having worked with such a proactive and kind group. I felt very welcomed with them and that allowed me to enjoy more each class.

Throughout the 8 sessions, I learned that being an effective teacher does not imply only to master the language but also it requires to be open-minded enough to adapt your teaching techniques and your extralinguistic abilities to a fully virtual learning environment. I don't know about my colleagues, but I didn't learn how to be an e-teacher in the major and that is part of the journey when we're still in college. 

Finally, I couldn't feel more grateful for having had the chance to discover a skill more about my self. I take great pride in the fact that I could adapt myself quite well as a virtual teacher and that I can be sure that my students learned at least one thing from me. 

My heart was about to explode of excitement the moment I gave them the last good-bye. Most of them wrote me love messages in the chat like: "you're an awesome teacher"  or "I learned a lot". That's when I realized that my efforts paid off! :) 

I'm looking forward to coming back to school as a better version of myself as a teacher.

1 comentario:

  1. Perfect tenses are always problematic, no doubt there.
    Mind my advice: we are teachers, no libraries nor robots, nor USB's XD
    It is ok to do some research and that will not be the last time you do it, trust me ;)

    Nice work!
