
lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020

My Bloom's Taxonomy

If you're a well-consolidated teacher, you know that Bloom's Taxonomy is highly effective to base our teaching and learning objectives when it comes to lesson planning. So, I'll show you my "creative" graphic organizer to master all the verbs and their levels! 😎

So, I came up with this roller coaster organizer because my teacher made special emphasis on the six levels of complexity in which this taxonomy is arranged plus I always recall things that are hierarchically organized in roller coasters, so the higher you are in the row, the more adrenaline you feel during the ride! 😱 

My first wagon represents the lower level of complexity that a learning objective can have such as remember, select, state, etc.

The second level involves a bit more complex tasks for the learner to practice like understand, describe, paraphrase, among others. So, they start going up in their learning process! 👆

The third level makes the students show that knowledge they just got through actions like illustrate, demonstrate, apply, execute, etc. 

In the fourth level, your students should be good enough to sail through tasks that entail to analyze, organize, modify, solve, and some others to show the teacher they are able to apply that knowledge into practical situations. 💪
I personally believe that at this level, teachers should award and recognize their students publicly for their progress and bravery :) That'd be really motivating to keep going. 

In the penultimate level, students should be able to handle tasks where they need to evaluate, asses, critique and support their own classmates to create an atmosphere of collaborative learning. The cherry on the cake here is that they're almost in the highest wagon of their learning roller coaster! As in a real coaster, the highest point is the most exciting in learning for students because they become aware and confident enough to actually use the target language despite some mistakes they may have. 

Finally! Your students are ready to reach the sixth level in which they are capable of doing tasks like create, plan, develop, elaborate and invent a tangible material or performance in which they prove their command of the language! 

So don't be afraid of including some challenging but engaging activities in your lesson plans and most importantly, don't forget that you're students trust in you to guide them through their learning process :) 

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Allison! I like your idea of creating your Bloom's taxonomy as a rollercoaster. I think that this an original idea and is easy to understand and use. Well done :)
